Feel like you have serious Mommy brain?!  Loss for words?  Forgetful?  Hard time focusing?  I know how you feel! 🙂

What we eat can have a direct impact on our mood, happiness and brain function.  Fueling your body and cells with proper nutrition not only will help you look and feel your best, but also think you best!

Try some “Food For Thought” and battle that annoying Mommy Brain!

  1.  Avocado!  The monounsaturated fats in avocados promote healthy blood flow to your brain!  The better the flow, the healthier the brain!
  2. Going Nuts?  Ha, yup most days! 😉  Nuts contain healthy unsaturated fats and vitamin E which are both necessary to a healthy noggin!  Nibble on raw, unsalted almonds, walnuts and pecans for a great boost for the brain!
  3. Olive Oil!  Olive Oil is an easy and delicious base to any salad dressing and has been shown to help fight cognitive decline.
  4. Coconut Oil!  This amazing oil is not only great for bonding baby massages and stretch mark prevention lotion during pregnancy, studies also suggest that it may help to regenerate and heal nerve function in the brain.
  5. Salmon!  Amazing for Mom and baby, the high amounts of omega 3’s will be sure to have you thinking like a genius!
  6. Eggs!  The yellow stuff too!  Saturated fat and choline found in these little gems can help boost memory skill and overall cognitive health.

Just some Food For Thought…

Kelly, S & O xo 
